5 Steps to Convert PSD to WP Theme

So, you’re thinking of creating a website with PSD to WP Theme Conversion. Well, keep on reading, we’ll get you straight into it in a few mins.

Today, WordPress powers over 30% of the internet. Each month, its users post 60.5 million new comments, 41.7 posts and it gets 1.2 million new domain registrations every 6 months. In short, it’s the most famous and beloved Content Management System on the internet.

The reason, it allows users to create a fully customizable website the way they want without any coding.

So, you’re thinking of taking your business a step ahead with this amazing CMS, WordPress? If yes, then you only know the half part.

So you have decided to take your business to a next level with the popular WordPress? If the answer is yes, you know half the story! 

Creating a website on WordPress isn’t that easy, you can use a theme to create your website – but that won’t be much creative and effective. How? Because the theme you’re using (paid or free) is using by hundreds of other people, so you’re not different from them.

What you can do is create a website yourself or hire a WordPress Customization Agency to help you build a website. But that can be costly.

So, if you have a low budget and still want to build a custom website, you can try PSD to WordPress Conversion, which this article is about.

PSD to WordPress Conversion or PSD to WP Theme Conversion – whatever you name it, it works the same. In this conversion, you create your design in Photoshop and then convert your design into a WordPress website. That’s it.

You can watch PSD to WordPress tutorial online to get a better idea of it – if you’re thinking of doing it yourself.

If that sounds difficult to you or you don’t have time for it – there’s a solution. You can hire a PSD to WordPress conversion company to help you with it. But before hiring, make sure you look after PSD to WordPress review of the company to ensure they’re really good at the service.

Well, let’s dive into the article and see the five steps you need to follow in order to convert your PSD design into a WordPress website.

1. Slice Your PSD Design File

The very first step of the PSD to WordPress conversion is slicing your PSD theme design. In this step, you have to cut and divide your design into different image files. What it’ll do is that it create several design files of the website and each of them contains different elements and components of your website design.

The core reason for slicing your website is it takes less time in uploading and easy to edit as well. Also, if you hire a PSD to WordPress conversion company, it’ll be easy for them incorporating different components and image segments of your website.

Once you’ll slice your PSD design, it’ll help you add a wide range of elements by adding just a few simple codes such as header, footer, color, background, sidebar, etc.

2. Creating CSS and HTML files

The second step is to cover the sliced images into HTML and CSS templates. A professional developer or a PSD to WordPress conversion company is aware of this step very well and does this step with the help of several tools like Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Once you’re done this step, it’s ascertaining that your website will actually look like you want it or not. We mean as responsive you want it, just be editing some HTML or CSS.

3. Convert the HTML File into a WordPress Theme File

In this step, you have to break down your HTML file as per the WordPress structure. It’s necessary because WordPress requires a pre-defined set of files that must merge together to create a website.

This step is better done by a person who has some knowledge of coding and development. Each code needs to go on its relevant PHP files like header.php, footer.php, or page.php.

4. Adding WordPress Functions and Tags

In this step, you have to convert your PHP file into WordPress theme files. This means you have to embed WordPress codes in the files without writing a single code line.  

Embedding these tags in your files is easy. WordPress offers a huge collection of inbuilt tags and functions that can be embedded easily in minutes.

Once these tags are added, you can’t say that you actually build a WordPress theme. You can discuss this step with the company or the developer you hire. It’ll be fairly easy for you to create your theme in little to no time.

Once this step gets completed and everything is done right, your custom WordPress theme is ready and it should be activated on your WordPress dashboard.

5. Add Functionalities

In this step, you have to go through your WP theme and look for opportunities to improve and get better.

This is not a one time step, you have to keep looking for improvements on your site as grow with new trends and updates. Before you start adding additional functionalities, you already have a responsive and fully functional WordPress theme that you just converted from your very own custom design in PSD.

Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive and fast-growing business industry, we can’t neglect that having a website isn’t necessary. According to Review42, 64% of businesses don’t have a website, on the other hand, 80% of customers search for a company online before purchasing. That’s a good reason why you should get one today for your business.

Indeed, it’s always a good idea to let the professionals to the jo so you can get the responsive, user-friendly. Professional help is important to ensure that get the best out of your website. It’ll not just help you in design, but also help you rank higher in search engines as well.

The process of PSD of WordPress Conversion can be mid-bogging. Thus, it’s recommended to hire a good and reputable PSD to WordPress conversion company providing PSD to WP theme service. These professionals are skilled, experienced, and spent a lot of time in mastering PSD to WP theme conversion.

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